Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes ARE reversible – a Dietitian’s Journey

For the last 16-months my goal has been to put my Type 2 Diabetes into remission and to no longer meet the criteria for Metabolic Syndrome. Towards that end, last year on July 11, 2017 I had complete lab work done, including fasting insulin, cholesterol, fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) and planned to redo the same tests at the same time this July to see how much progress I was making.

The day I had been waiting for arrived!

So, how did I do?

Let’s see where I started from in July 2017;

fasting insulin July 11, 2017

Last year, my fasting insulin was 54 pmol/L which converts to 7.8 μU/ml — well above the ideal insulin sensitive range of 2-6 μU/ml. I was insulin resistant, which was no surprise given I had Type 2 Diabetes for more than 10 years.

What about yesterday – 16 months after starting a low carbohydrate lifestyle?

fasting insulin, July 10, 2018

I went from 54 pmol/L (7.8 μU/ml) to 33 pmol/L (4.8 μU/ml). I no longer have high insulin; in fact, my insulin was now in the ideal range, between 2-6 μU/ml. Very cool!

But then what explains why my fasting blood sugar is still so high?

fasting blood glucose July 11, 2017

I mean, it has dropped a lot from 8.0 mmol/L  (144 mg/dL) last year to 6.9 mmol/L (124 mg/dl) this year, but this was still a huge disappointment.  Yes, many days my fasting blood sugar is in the low 5’s mmol/L (94-95 mg/dl) but not this time. It was at the high end of what it goes to!


fasting blood glucose July 10, 2018

In the last several months, I’ve been losing a lot of fat from my abdomen (2.5 more inches since the beginning of March, on top of the 8 inches I lost in the first year) and the end result of the action of hormone sensitive lipase on fat cells (adipocytes) is the release of free fatty acids and glycerol. The liver cells (hepatocytes) take the glycerol and turn it into glucose in a process called gluconeogenesis (literally “making new glucose”).  It is this glucose that is produced by my liver from my broken down fat stores that is raising my fasting blood sugar.

The good part is that my fat cells are emptying out.  The bad part is that my liver is making glucose out of it…and what complicates the matter is that I have what’s called “peripheral insulin resistance” from often eating only once a day (time-restricted-eating) and that causes my body to “save” the glucose for necessary processes.  As a result, my body cells don’t take in the excess glucose made by my liver and it hangs around in my blood until I get moving.  Then it will dissipate (provided I eat some breakfast).

What about my glycated hemoglobin (that is effectively the three month average of my blood sugar)?

glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) July 11, 2017

A year ago, my HbA1C  was 7.5% which is well above the cutoffs of 7% which is set for those with Type 2 Diabetes.

glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) July 10, 2018

This year it was 6.3% which is below the cutoffs for Type 2 Diabetes of 6.5% and lower than what it was 3 months ago, which was 6.4%. Naturally, it is higher than I would like because it includes all the glucose my liver is making from the fat cells it is breaking down, but sooner or later it is going to run out of that!  Soon my waist circumference WILL be half my height and around that point, my fasting blood glucose should be dropping.  My goal is to see my HbA1C below 5.5 mmol/L (100 mg/dl) and be in full remission from Type 2 Diabetes, not only partial remission which is what I have now.

But celebrating the victory, I am in partial remission of Type 2 Diabetes!!

So how have my lipids changed this last year, with the butter, coconut oil and coconut milk and full fat cream that I have been eating, as well as much more meat than I used to?

Last year, four months into my following a low-carbohydrate diet, this is what they looked like:

Lipid panel, July 11, 2017


…and this year?


Lipid panel, July 10, 2018

My LDL is down (2.60 to 2.47 mmol/L) , my HDL is up significantly (1.97 to 2.44 mmol/L), my non-HDL cholesterol (chylomicrons and VLDL) is down (2.45 to 2.11 mmol/L) and my already low triglycerides went even LOWER (0.64 to 0.52 mmol/L).

In July 2017 my TG:HDL ratio was 0.35, which is well below 0.87 and this year my TG:HDL ratio was 0.21! This means that of my LDL cholesterol, most are the large fluffy kind (the ‘good’ LDL), and not the small dense kind (the ones that put us at cardiovascular health risk).

I no longer meet the criteria for Metabolic Syndrome which is having 3 or more of the following 5 symptoms:

Criteria for Metabolic Syndrome – from Merck Manual

My waist circumference is significantly <35″

My blood pressure is well below 130/85 (usually around 120/70)

My triglycerides are well below 1.7 mmol/L (150 mg/dl) at 0.52 mmol/L

My HDL is well above 1.29 (it’s 2.44 mmol/L!!)

…but yes, my fasting blood glucose is still > 5.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dl).

So, I’m not “done” yet.

While I didn’t get “perfect” blood work, it’s pretty good for someone that 16 months ago was obese, had been Type 2 Diabetic for 10 years, had been diagnosed 3 years earlier with mast cell disease (which elevates blood sugar and insulin), had extremely high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol.

Not bad at all.

…and all this by simply reducing my carbohydrate intake and eating whole, real food, including fruit, dairy, meat, lots of veggies and healthy fats from a variety of sources.

Of course, these are only my results. Everyone is different, but at a year, my results closely mirrored the results Virta Health’s study published at one- year study, with 218 subjects that had been eating the same as I have. So, it is certainly not unusual for people following a well-designed low carbohydrate diet to get these kinds of results.

NOTE: There is no “one-size-fits-all” low carbohydrate diet and what works for me may not be what is best for you. Before undertaking a major change in diet, please discuss your plans with your doctor.

Perhaps you wonder what adopting this type of eating style would look like for you, or have questions about how Distance Consultation services work compared with in-person services, and the cost involved. Please send me a note using the ”Contact Me” form above and I’ll reply shortly.

Copyright ©2018 BetterByDesign Nutrition Ltd.

LEGAL NOTICE: The contents of this blog, including text, images and cited statistics as well as all other material contained here (the ”content”) are for information purposes only.  The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, medical diagnosis and/or treatment and is not suitable for self-administration without the knowledge of your physician and regular monitoring by your physician. Do not disregard medical advice and always consult your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or before implementing anything  you have read or heard in our content.


  1. Merck Manual – Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X; Insulin Resistance Syndrome),


Update on My Own Weight Loss Journey

It’s 16 months since I began my own weight loss journey and I thought it would be a good time to do updated “before” and “now” photos, as well as some measurements.

The photo on the left was me “before”.

Not only was I very overweight, but I had Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and was in denial about how very metabolically ill I was.

I was in denial partly because I believed that I was eating a healthy diet for someone with Type 2 Diabetes. I dutifully followed the recommended diet from the time I was pre-diabetic until I was diagnosed as having Type 2 Diabetes and continued on it because that is what was recommended to control my blood sugar. I deliberately avoided missing meals or fasting, to keep my blood sugar stable.

As per the recommendations for Diabetics (covered in an article I wrote here), I ate 193 – 259 g of carbs per day, plus sufficient daily protein for my age and a little essential fat.  Keep in mind that only the recommended amount of daily carbs adds up to ~800 – 1000 calories per day — and with sufficient protein for my age was another ~4oo calories, plus another ~150 calories or so in olive oil and a few nuts or seeds on my salad. With intake of 1400 – 1500+ calories per day, how was I supposed to lose weight?

If “eating less” wasn’t an option for me then of course, I was expected to “move more”.  If I didn’t move enough to burn off the excess carbohydrates that I was expected to eat as someone with Type 2 Diabetes, then this was my fault. This is why I was fat, right?


My diet was “healthy” by most people’s understanding — certainly as defined by the Dietary Guidelines (Canada’s Food Guide) as well as the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diabetes. My bread was whole grain and so was my pasta and I ate brown or red cargo rice (with the husk). Lunch and dinner and my 2 snacks per day were comprised of lots of fruit and vegetables of all kinds along with some lean protein; 3-4 oz at each meal and an ounce of cheese at snacks.  I barbecued meat, fish and chicken all year round and if I did pan-fry something, I always poured off the ‘excess fat’. The quantities I ate were recommended by the guidelines and as evidenced by the fact that I neither gained, nor lost any weight.

Eating 65 g of carbs at each meal along with protein and 45 g of carbs at each of 2 snacks each day along with a bit of protein however didn’t help me avoid getting Type 2 Diabetes — so what was I expecting to accomplish eating this way after I was diagnosed?* It was supposed to help me manage my blood glucose levels, but unfortunately after a few years of eating that way, I ended up getting high blood pressure and then abnormal cholesterol as well, which is common.

*I believe that some people with Type 2 Diabetes do well eating according to the standard recommendations of the Clinical Practice Guidelines and others by following a whole foods, Mediterranean-style Diet. There is also strong research evidence that still others achieve excellent clinical results following a therapeutic low carb or a well-formulated ketogenic diet for a period of time. There is no one-size-fits-all diet for everybody and it is for this reason that I offer people choices.

When I saw my Endocrinologist 2 1/2 years ago, she said that if I kept eating as I had been, that in 2 years I would be on medication for Diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol — and within 5 years, I would be on insulin. At that time, I discussed with her my intention to eat a low carb diet and how low in carbohydrate I was willing to go, if I needed to. I was expecting a great deal of resistance from her, given some doctors consider a low carb diet unconventional. Her response surprised me. She told me that me that eating very low carb was the best chance that I had to avoid the scenario she outlined above as well as the complications of Diabetes, including blindness and lost limbs. In fact, she recommended less grams of carbs per day than I was intending.

Unfortunately, it took another 2 years before I became metabolically unwell enough to actually implement the dietary change, but with my Endocrinologist’s approval and encouragement, as well as my GP monitoring my health, March 5, 2017 I began changing how I was eating and I’ve never looked back.

Me – July 2 2018 (16 months later)

The photo on the left is of me on the Canada Day stat (July 2nd), which was Monday.

As of today, 16 months along I’ve lost;

  • 39 pounds (18 kg)
  • 10.5 inches off my waist (27 cm)
  • 2.5 inches off my chest (6.5 cm)
  • 3 inches off my neck (8 cm)
  • 1.5 inches off each arm (4 cm)
  • 1.5 inches off each thigh (4 cm)
  • Both my HbA1C and FBG are in the non-diabetic range
  • My blood pressure is normal for someone without Type 2 Diabetes
  • My lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) are considered ideal.

I still have an inch and a half to lose off my waist to get to where my waist circumference is half my height and I’m guessing that will take me losing another 18 lbs but who knows? Whatever it is, it is. I had a foot to lose from my waist when I started — so what’s an inch and a half more?

Now, “moving more” is possible! Yesterday, as I do most weekends, I walked for 2 hours and wasn’t tired at all. I work out each week doing slow High Intensity Training and love it and am thinking about joining a dance class in September.  “Moving more” is the result, not the solution.

Keep in mind that my results are only relevant to me, as I am ”a sample-set of one” (n=1). As well, my doctor’s recommendations to me may not be the same as your doctor’s recommendations to you. Everyone’s results following a low carb diet will differ, because each person’s Meal Plan will be based on their own medical history, any metabolic conditions they may have, medications they are taking, their family risk factors, starting weight and lifestyle factors. What my journey and yours will have in common if you’re working with me is that it will begin as a moderately low carb intake, where you’ll be eating whole foods from all food categories, with your doctor monitoring your labs and the dosage of any medication that you may be taking.  I’ll gradually lower the amount of carbohydrate you’re eating only as necessary to achieve the clinical outcome(s) that you’re seeking, and with you doctor monitoring the dosage of any medications you’re taking. This often has to occur quite soon after lowering the amount of carbohydrates and in time they may be discontinued entirely.

Some “low carb diets” available on the internet or in popular books promote unlimited amounts of meat, cream, butter and eggs and others promote (or promise) “rapid weight loss”.  I don’t do either. But if you are looking for a Dietitian to support your desire to eat a low carb diet in order to lose weight and lower metabolic markers of Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure or abnormal cholesterol, then I’d be glad to be part of your healthcare team.

I have almost a decade of experience providing services via Distance Consultation (Skype and long telephone) and for those living in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia you can see me in-person in my Coquitlam office.

Perhaps you have questions about how I might be able to help you?

Please send me a note using the ”Contact Me” form above and I will reply shortly.

To your good health,


Note: I am a "sample-set of 1" - meaning that my results may or may not be like any others who follow a similar lifestyle. If you are considering eating "low carb" and are taking medication to control your blood sugar or blood pressure, please discuss it with your doctor, first.

Copyright ©2018 BetterByDesign Nutrition Ltd.

LEGAL NOTICE: The contents of this blog, including text, images and cited statistics as well as all other material contained here (the ”content”) are for information purposes only.  The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, medical diagnosis and/or treatment and is not suitable for self-administration without the knowledge of your physician and regular monitoring by your physician. Do not disregard medical advice and always consult your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or before implementing anything  you have read or heard in our content.